10 Best Home Remedies For Woman Skin Care - Girlsnbeauty.com
Clock Icon April 29, 2018 Skin Care

10 best home remedies for woman skin care

The dream of almost all women is to look beautiful and attractive. They use different skin care products. But they don’t realize that their favorite skin care product contains harmful ingredients, toxins, and chemicals. The products that are found in the majority of stores, products of commercially produced beauty, contain artificial colors, preservatives, fragrances, and stabilizers that the pores of the skin can easily absorb. It can have long-term effects on health.

Throughout your entire life cycle, chemicals found in beauty products can be damaging, by the way they are used by consumers to their negative impact on the environment and the methods of the disposal.

But don’t worry! There are still many ways of making your skin beautiful. Artificial skin care products are expensive as well as harmful. So, instead of using artificial skin care products, you can use natural products of skin care. Since many years women from whole around the world have been using natural skin care products and they have got a superb skin to show.

You can also get a beautiful and loving skin. In this article, we will share some of the best remedies which are homemade for getting a flawless skin that will help you to take your skin to the wonderful version which you have been thinking since long ago.

Let’s have a look at some of the best homemade remedies for getting flawless skin:

Apple Cider Vinegar for Flawless Skin

You will need

  • 2 teaspoon of rose water
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Ball of cotton

What you should do

  • Mix rose water and the vinegar and swab this on the area of your face where there is blemishes, scars, spots, and a pigmented area of your face
  • Let it be dry for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off gently with a water

For getting the skin of a sensitive type, for countering the acidity of the vinegar add some Aloe Vera Gel

Why this works

Apple Cider vinegar contains acids which help to swipe away the dull and dead cells of your skin. It also helps you to lighten the skin where there is a spot of the wound by the same mild acid contained by it. Antioxidants which are contained by Apple Cider Vinegar help you to improve the health of the skin by reversing the free serious damage. Its styptic properties improve your skin and also tone your skin.

Just repeat this once a day. By using this method, you will find a difference in your skin in just a few days.

Aloe Vera for Flawless Skin

You will need

  • Leaf of an Aloe Vera

What you have to do

  • From the plant of aloe, cut down the leaf
  • Make the slices of the leaf. There are thrones present on the edge of a leaf. So be careful while holding it
  • Take out the gel which is present inside the leaf and put it in a container which is air-tight
  • Apply a gel on your face gently and do massage for few minutes
  • Leave the gel on the face for at least for 40 minutes and wash it off with a warm water

Store the unused gel in a cool and dry place. If you don’t have a plant of an Aloe Vera then you can buy an organic aloe gel from the market which comes in a bottle.

Why This Works

Aloe Vera gel is very effective for reducing scars and a dark spots on your skin. It also helps in moisturizing of skin, heals the skin which is damaged and reduces the wrinkles which are appeared on your skin.

You can repeat it every day for getting a better result.

Alum for Flawless Skin

You will need

  • 1 teaspoon of a powder alum
  • 1 tablespoon honey

What you have to do

  • Make a paste by mixing powder of alum and honey
  • Apply this paste as a face pack gently and leave it to dry for 15 minutes
  • Wash off the pack gently with a slightly warm water

Why this works

Alum helps in reducing the wrinkles and fine lines from a face by using an effect of skin tightening on your face. It can also help to reduce acne and it is also antibacterial in nature. Because of the styptic properties of alum, size of your large pores will also be small.

You can apply this just twice or thrice a week for getting an effective result.

Castor Oil for Flawless Skin

You will need

  • 3-4 drops of castor oil
  • Hot water in a bowl
  • A big towel

What you have to do

  • Moist your face by placing it over a hot bowl. Cover your head properly with a towel and don’t let the steam spread too much around
  • After 2-3 minutes of steaming, clean your skin gently with a towel and make it dry. After that apply the castor oil on your face
  • massage it properly all around the face
  • let it be in your face for a whole night

Why this works

Fatty acids are present in castor oil which helps to make it an excellent palliative to lock in the moisture in your skin.

Restoration of natural sebum production is also done by castor. The steam which you have done helps in opening up your pores and also allows the oil to go in the deeper layer of the skin. Therefore, production of collagen and elastin is also improved by castor oil. Thus, it helps in making your skin smoother as well as softer.

Do this once in a difference of 4-5 days. You can also apply castor oil without steaming every night before going to bed.

Best Juices for Flawless skin

Lemon juice

You will need

A half piece of a lemon

What you have to do

  1. By pressing the cut lemon, rub it all over the face
  2. Leave the juice to be dry on your face for 5-10 minutes
  3. Wash it off gently with slightly warm water

Why this works

 Lemon acts as a natural bleach for the skin because it contains acidic properties. This makes your skin brightens and lightens and also makes it supple, soft, and flawless by balancing the pH level of the skin.

At first, repeat this every day and after then reduce its usage to twice a week.

Vegetable juice

You will need

  • A piece of a ginger of ½ inch-long
  • ½ cup of water
  • 4 fresh carrots

What you have to do

  • Peel the ginger and carrots properly and cut them into small pieces
  • For getting a thick juice, blend the pilled ginger and carrots by adding some water
  • Drink it after chilling or at a room temperature

Why this works

The mixture of ginger and carrots contains anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, vitamins, antimicrobial compounds, and minerals which optimizes the health of your skin. These nutrients from ginger and carrots will renew your skin from inside and helps to get a perfect glow.

You can have a glass of this juice every day.

Green Juice

You will need

  • 3 cucumber
  • A half cup of romaine lettuce
  • Few mint leaves
  • ½ tablespoon of juice of a lemon
  • ½ cup of water

What you have to do

  • Cut the cucumber, romaine leaves, and mint leaves into small pieces and blends them together
  • For getting juicy-like consistency, add lemon juice and water to the mixture
  • Drink this green juice.

Why this works

The nutrients which are in the ingredients help your skin to be refreshed, restored and regenerated. By providing the right amount of nutrients from inside the body, they help in healing the problems of the skin.

You can have a glass of it every day.

Potato Juice

You will need

A half piece of a potato

What you have to do

  1. Grind the potato in the mixture and squeeze the juice out from it.
  2. Apply the paste of potato on the face and let it be dry for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with clean water

Why this works

Since now, many people don’t know the fact that potato is also one of the homemade remedies which help in obtaining a fair, flawless, and a glowing skin. It contains soothing and natural bleaching properties which help in reducing of tan, sunburn, and spots.

Do this once daily for getting a better result.

Tomato juice

You will need

  • Small tomato

What you have to do

  • Chop the tomato properly and mash it
  • Apply this paste on the face
  • Keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes
  • Once it is dried properly, wash it off with the warm water

Why this works

Anti-aging properties are contained in tomato and it also acts like a sunscreen, especially in the months of hot summer. A lycopene, antioxidants which are present in the tomato helps in gaining a clear and a perfect skin. It can reduce pimples and open pores too.

For few days use this daily and after few days continue using tomato juice once in 4-5 days.


You will need

  • 1 teaspoon of tomato pulp
  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt
  • 1-2 teaspoon of oatmeal

What you have to do

  • Mix tomato pulp, yogurt, and a oatmeal together and get a paste
  • Apply the paste properly on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes
  • Wash off the paste from your face properly with cold water

Why this works

This pack helps in making your skin bright and also helps in reducing scars, dark spots, and blemishes. Oatmeal soothes inflammation on the surface of the skin and thoroughly cleans the skin. It contains vitamin c. Because of it, it also helps to tighten the skin.

You can apply this face pack twice or thrice a week.

Rice Water

You will need

  • ½ cup of raw rice grains
  • 2-3 cup of water

What you have to do

  • Wash the rice with a cup of water
  • Throw the water and now again soak the rice in clean water for 20-25 minutes
  • Slowly rub the rice with your fingers so that the water will turn into cloudy
  • Take out all the rice from the water and store the water of rice in an airtight bottle.
  • Let the water be in a bottle for a day. And fro next day, apply some of the water on your face and do massage for sometimes
  • After massaging, wash off the rice water with a cold water

Why this works

Rice water is rich in vitamins, minerals etc which renews the skin and also it helps in tightening of the skin. It helps in removing dead cells and impurities and also helps in exfoliating the skin.


You will need

  • 2-3 tablespoon of rose water
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 6-7 drops of olive oil

What you have to do

  • If you have an oily skin or acne prone, then add lemon juice to the rose water. And for dry skin, add the olive oil instead of lemon juice.
  • Mix the ingredients together properly and apply it on the face
  • Let it be on your face for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash it off properly with a clean water

Why this works

Rose water is one of the best skin tones. It helps to make the balance of the pH of the skin and also helps to boost circulation. Heal acne, scars and other marks on the skin can also be healed by it. Sooner, your skin will seem to be fresh as well as brighter.

Do this every day for getting a better result.

Turmeric for Flawless Skin

You will need

  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt
  • ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder

What you have to do

  • Mix the turmeric and the yogurt well and mix it well
  • Make a thin layer of the mixture on your face
  • Let it on your face for 10-15 minutes
  • Wash it off after 20 minutes

Why this works

The turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help for optimizing the health of your skin and also helps to give it a natural glow. Turmeric also contains a property of healing the wound. It also helps in removing marks, scars, and other spots on your face.

You can repeat this twice a week for getting a better result.

Ubtan Recipe

You will need

  • 3 tablespoon of gram flour
  • 1 tablespoons of powder of sandalwood
  • Rose water or milk

What you have to do

  • Mix powder of sandalwood and flour well
  • Now add some mix and make a mixture of it. If you have acne prone skin, oily skin or any allergenic to the diary, then you can use rose water instead of milk
  • Apply this mixture on your face and let it be dry
  • Once it is properly dried, wash it off by slightly warm water

Why this works

The gram flour helps in cleansing and exfoliating the skin, sandalwood helps in making skin tone and condition. When they both are mixed together, they can make a potent combination for treating aches, dark spots, blackheads, and blemishes.

 You can apply this pack once or twice a week.

Most beautiful part of our body is face. So we should take proper care of our face. There are many other ingredients which can help in making your skin beautiful and healthy. Above mentioned are some of them.

Hope it will be beneficial for you.

Source: Image from Freepik

Girlsn Beauty
Girlsn Beauty

Welcome to GirlsnBeauty! We are here to share simple tips and articles that help girls stay healthy and feel good inside and out. Let's explore a world where wellness meets beauty, and together, we'll celebrate the joy of self-care and self-love. Join us on this journey to a healthier, happier you!

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