Is Pimple Popping A Good Idea -

Is pimple popping a good idea?

Whether pimple popping is a good idea or not? Well, if you want to know that you have come to the right place. We are here to share all the information about whether you are popping your annoying pimples.

Pimples are a common concern that affects people of all ages and gender. These annoying friends of ours (pimples) usually occur when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells which leads to redness, and swollen bumps on the skin. We all have a tempting feeling to pop it whenever we see ourselves in the mirror and it says hi first, but this action has many negative outcomes on our skin. So, let’s get started and know what pimples are, the reason behind them and what happens if we pop our pimples.

What are pimples?

These pimples also known as acne are caused by the blockage of hair follicles due to the accumulation of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. This blockage results in inflammation and also forms pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules on the skin. These annoying friends of ours i.e. pimples usually appear on the face, neck, back, chest and even on shoulders. These are our annoying friends because they usually come right before we have to attend special events, weddings, dates, etc.

What are the reasons for appearing these pimples?

There are various reasons for appearing pimples. Some of the common reasons are:

Hormonal changes

These hormonal changes are the primary cause of pimples, especially during puberty, when the body undergoes significant hormonal shifts. These fluctuations of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can result in zits and pimples to occur. These fluctuations mostly happen during menstruation cycles, menopause, and pregnancy.

During these times, our body produces more sebum an oily and waxy substance. This then leads to inflammation changes in skin cell activity and colonization of bacteria in hair follicles. With this combination, acne starts to appear. Antibiotics, medications, specific foods, depression, anxiety, and stress; can all cause hormonal acne.


Different evidence does show that certain dietary components do positively influence pimple development. Foods that can exacerbate acne are high glycemic foods like sugary snacks, and refined carbohydrates can spike insulin levels. Also, dairy products have always been linked to acne, especially because of the hormones present in milk. Other than that greasy foods also are the reasons for oil buildup on the skin, clogging pores and resulting pimples.

Proper skincare tips

Are you patiently treating your acne but still seeing new pimples every then and now? If yes, it might be because of your skincare routine.

Science does not say that certain foods can cause pimples, but there have been several researches which point out that there is some connection between sugar, carbohydrates and pimple breakouts. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are inflammatory and they help raise your insulin levels which triggers the hormones that cause pimples to break out. Other skincare habits can cause pimples to pop up. Using harsh, unbranded and not suitable products on your skin strips ways its natural oils, prompting the overproduction of sebum.


Genetics can be more important than other environmental factors in causing pimples. If you are parents have acne or severe acne you are also more likely to have this pimple. You might not know but genetic factors influence the size, the rate of skin cell turnover, the activity of sebaceous glands, and the inflammatory response of the skin all of which are the reasons for pimple appearance.

Why is pimple-popping not a good idea?

While pimple popping can be a pleasant action which provides relief and satisfaction, it leads to various problems, you might not be aware of. Don’t worry when we are here, in this article we will discuss what happens to your skin when you pop a pimple. So, let’s get started:


When you pop a pimple it’s a way to introduce bacteria from your hands into the open wound. This then leads to infection making it worse rather than completely removing it.

Delayed healing:

Pimple popping and disturbing it slows the natural healing process. Because of this pimple lasts longer and there is also the chance of it becoming more painful.


Pimple popping can result in permanent scarring and black spots and also hyperpigmentation. Because of this your skin looks uneven and damaged. To avoid all these issues, you should let pimples heal on their own following your daily skincare routine. But if you are experiencing persistent and painful acne, it’s better to consult a dermatologist for better treatment advice.

Spreading of bacteria:

Pimple popping pushes bacteria deeper into the skin or even spreads to the surrounding areas resulting in more acne breakouts. So, think twice before squeezing or popping your pimple if you don’t want to get a pimple or make it worse.

What are the ways to prevent pimples from forming?

As discussed above there are various reasons for pimple appearance. But you can prevent these pimples in the following ways:

Maintain a consistent skincare routine

You should make your skincare routine that follows cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing, and using sunscreen regularly. Stick to your skincare and follow it to your daily routine.

Try not to touch your face unnecessarily

Many of us have the habit of touching our faces out of habit. We know it’s hard to control all of a sudden but slowly you should minimize touching your face often. As our hands get dirty throughout the day touching our face directly our face transfers the bacteria from our hand to face.

Stay away from stress

There are some researches which show that stress is somehow the reason for pimple appearance. So you should practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or exercise to keep hormonal fluctuations in check.

Follow a balanced diet

As mentioned above we are what we eat, and it shows in our face. So follow a balanced diet consisting of green vegetables, lean proteins, fruits, and whole grains. Be healthy from the inside and it rewards you with clear skin. Not to forget stay hydrated and drink enough water throughout the day. Staying hydrated helps you flush out toxins and keep your skin hydrated and glowing.

We know that pimple popping might seem like a quick fix, but it leads to more severe harm than simply good. Understanding the reasons behind the pimples practising proper skincare and achieving healthier, glowing and clearer skin. Also, if you are experiencing severe acne problems and breakouts we recommend you to consult the dermatologist for better treatment.


Is it safe to pop a pimple?

Even though popping a pimple seems tempting, we do not recommend you popping your pimple as it does not get rid of your problem. Rather popping a pimple increases your pain and may also leave permanent scars or pits.

Does popping a pimple help it heal faster?

No, it’s a misunderstanding that pimple popping helps to heal pimple faster. On opposite it slows down the healing process and can also cause it to last longer and can be more painful.

What are the risks of pimple popping?

There are various reasons for pimple popping as mentioned above such as scarring, infection, delayed healing, spread of bacteria, leading to more breakouts, etc.

Image Source: From Freepik

Girlsn Beauty
Girlsn Beauty

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