From nutrition to masks, here’s how to get clear skin the right way
Getting brighter and clearerer skin is everyone’s dream. And for a lot of us, it is very challenging. Indeed, you can buy those expensive creams and toners, but will they work? Can that product help get clearer and brighter skin? We are not saying that no product will work. It’s just that not every product can work. Indeed, there are some of the products that can be helpful.
Well, getting beautiful skin isn’t connected with pimples and sun damage. It’s all about the routine you make and implement.
So, right here, we are here with some tips for getting clearer and brighter skin.
Leave your worry on our shoulders; we are always here for you.
So, let’s start!
Ways to get clear skin right away
Wash your skin less
You might probably think that keeping your skin clean every time will help you get clear skin. But what would you do if we say that’s precisely wrong? Well, if washing the face would help get clear skin, everyone would have clear and brighter skin. Moreover, too much washing the face can also damage the skin.
It is essential to remove your makeup gently without rubbing your skin too much. The study has also found that too much washing of skin can also cause dryness and irritation. Too much washing of skin can also remove the natural and healthy moisturizing oils of the skin and leads to redness and flakiness.
Exfoliate, but not too much
It would help get rid of the dead and flaky skin on the surface to get smooth skin. Indeed, exfoliation can also lead to thin and dry sin. The cell turnover process will be increased by regular exfoliation. It will allow the body to produce moisture-bearing properties like hyaluronic acid.
You can use natural resurfacing agents like glycolic acid. It will dissolve in the dead surface of the skin and replace it with the new one.
Clean your brushes
How often do you clean the brushes of makeup? Probably not often, isn’t it? Well, it is essential to clean your makeup brush from time to time. The dirt, oils and other things left in the meetings can also cause breakouts. It will surely make the skin dry. You can easily clean your makeup brushes by using soap.
Eat clean
You are what you eat, didn’t you get it? Well, whatever you eat will be reflected in your skin. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lean proteins can help you in getting smooth skin.
If you make a habit of dieting with great beauty superfoods, it can surely help your skin to get hydration, firmness and smoothness. Minerals like magnesium and zinc are also beneficial.
Well, there can be millions of reasons why you should have a lot of water, and smoother and brighter skin is one of them.
Drinking sufficient water is essential for achieving soft skin. Your skin will be smooth and elastic when you are well hydrated.
Go natural
You cannot always find the solution to the smooth skin in the drugstore. Sometimes, you also have to go for natural ways. Yoghurt mask will be the best. You can make a yoghurt paste and apply it to the skin for 20 minutes. It will help to break down the dry and dead skin.
Ingredients to make a mask:
• 1 cup yoghurt
• 1/2 cup mashed strawberry
• 1/2 cup almond powder
Make a paste and apply it to the face. Use it twice a week. You will surely notice the difference in your skin in just one week.
Take extra care at night time.
Your skin needs more care at night than in the daytime. Never use the daytime moisturizer before going to bed. According to Dr Joshua Zeichner, you should use the moisturizer at night, which contains a retinoid.
Source: Image by drobotdean on Freepik