Want to know easy way to achieve long hair?
Nowadays, every lady wants to have long hair in many styles. Long hair is the crown of ladies. Most women want long hair, but when it doesn’t grow, we tend to apply various conditioners, hair packs, and home remedies. But here is a simple and tricky way to grow your hair back long. It is a massage of the scalp.
First, stand straight and bend your body half, your head facing. Then, start massaging the scalp in that position for 4-5 min. Every day before going to bed. You can use olive oil while massaging, or you can simply massage with a bare hand. Do this massage continuously for 1 week. You will see a growth of a few inches. The result may vary from person to person.
The lady with long hair is just like the colourful sky, even though sometimes shorter hair also suits some faces. It’s a natural gift that long hair is for ladies.
There are various ways to grow long hair:
Getting Regular Trims is a must:
We know it sounds counterintuitive, but regular trims are a must for achieving long and healthy hair. Regular trims don’t actually directly help hair growth; instead, they remove split ends, which are the main reasons for hair breakage. Preventing hair breakage means helping your hair grow faster. These split ends reduce length, shine, volume, and smoothness, so getting rid of them is very important for hair.
Minimize Hair Colouring
You should watch your hair-colouring routine and minimize it as much as possible, as it affects hair growth. You might not know, but frequent colouring weakens hair stands, which leads to breakage and split ends. The chemicals available in hair colouring dyes can damage the hair cuticle, making it more prone to dryness and brittleness. This damage slows hair growth because weakened hair is more likely to break off before it grows longer. So, reduce the colouring of your hair so you can maintain stronger and healthier hair.
Avoid Heating Tools
You should avoid using heating tools for various reasons. One reason is that excessive heat from tools like straighteners, flat irons, and curling irons damages the hair cuticle, making hair brittle and prone to breakage. This breakage prevents your hair from growing longer, as damaged hair is more likely to split and snap off. So, if you want healthy and long hair, you should minimize your use of heating tools and always use heat protectant while styling.
Eating the right diet
What you eat is what you are, and it’s pretty true. Eating a balanced diet is necessary for your hair. A balanced diet rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins provides essential nutrients to your hair, which promotes hair growth. Protein is vital as hair is primarily made of keratin, a protein that makes the hair strands stronger. So, by following a regular balanced diet, you will be supporting the health of hair follicles, encouraging faster and healthier hair growth.
Skip shampooing daily
How often do you wash your hair? Do you know washing your hair daily is not recommended? Shampooing your hair less frequently benefits hair by preserving its natural oils, and overwashing your hair strips away all the essential oils to maintain moisture and protect the hair shaft. Natural oils help keep your hair hydrated and prevent dryness, reducing the risk of breakage and split ends. By washing your hair twice a week, you will use your scalp to regulate oil production and maintain a healthier balance.
Hydration is key to hair health, both internally and externally. It’s crucial to drink enough water to keep your hair follicles hydrated and functioning properly. Additionally, using moisturizing hair products like leave-in treatments and conditioners can help maintain your hair’s hydration and reduce frizz. When your hair is properly hydrated, it can contribute to its overall development and growth.
To achieve healthy, long hair, following the above simple practices in your routine will be enough. As mentioned above, regular trims are a must to prevent split ends and breakage. Limit your hair colour and use heating tools, as they can damage your hair and stop hair growth. To support hair health from within, follow a balanced diet routine. By following all these tips, you’ll make sure your hair grows healthy and faster.