Sunscreen Tips for All Year-Round
Sunscreens are on everyone’s mind every day. In the United States, 1 out of 5 adults suffers from skin cancer. The best thing you can do to protect your skin is follow sunscreen tips. You can use sunscreen not just in summer but also in winter. During the summer, we are very close to the sun. But, no matter whether it’s winter or summer, the sun never stops emitting UV radiation.
The common misconception is that UV rays are only intense during summer and not during winter. When the fact is that UV rays are a year-round concern. Even during winters or cloudy days, UV rays pass through clouds easily and cause damage to your skin and eyes. So, wearing sunscreen and protecting your eyes with sunglasses that offer UV protection regardless of the temperature or season is essential.
UV exposure is linked to various health problems, including skin cancer, premature aging, and eye damage, so taking precautions year-round is crucial. UV rays are one of the main causes of skin cancer, so using sunscreen in every season is very important. It will be best if you add sunscreen to your everyday beauty routine.
Here are some of the sunscreens tips for keeping your skin safe from the UV rays in every season.
Sunscreens tips for all year-round
During hot climates
During the summer, we often spend our weekends at the beach. During that time, your skin absorbs too many UV rays. Wearing sunscreens with an SPF of 10 to 30 is best.
However, you need to reapply it regularly. So, the best thing to do during that time is to use sunscreens. However, while using sunscreens, keep in mind that water and sweat can easily remove it from your body.
During cool climate
During the cool climate, the fall arrives, and the weather also becomes cool. But keep in mind that the sun can even damage your skin when it comes out. We all know that prevention is always better than cure. So, it will not go in vain to use sunscreen even during the cool climate.
During the winter and cold climate
During the winter season, dry and cold air will prevail, and if snow is present, the sun’s rays will be strongly reflected. Elevation also plays a great role. UV exposure will always be higher in places with higher elevation.
It is recommended to use an SPF of 15 to 30. You can also use moisturizer. It will help protect the skin from the drying effects of cold air.
During spring
At the start of warm weather, we usually expose our skin more, which increases the risk. During spring, it will be best to use sunscreen with an SPF rating of 15 to 30.
Don’t think that it is necessary only for the summer season. You should apply it all over the year. Applying sunscreens on a daily basis is simple yet a necessary step for maintaining healthy and protected skin.
Should I apply sunscreens even when I don’t go outside?
Yes, it’s good for you to apply sunscreens even when you stay indoors. UV rays penetrate through glasses, so even when you stay indoors because of windows, you are still exposed to UV radiation. So it’s better for your skin to use it even while staying indoors.
Can we avoid using sunscreens during winter?
As mentioned above, it’s a widely spread misconception that it’s not necessary to wear sunscreens during winter. As you know, UV rays are still present, so please wear sunscreen even during winter. It’s advisable that you use sunscreen all year round, including during winter months, to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.
Source: Image by valuavitaly on Freepik